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Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Anne
on May 8, 2015 at 8:17 AM
Thanks for the post and link to the publication. I live near an East Bay Regional Park where cattle graze during certain times of the year. Over the past 20 years, we've had several "rogue" cows that just don't seem to like people. The park district posts a phone number to call to report aggressive cows. #256 and #175 were removed from the pasture after they were reported. If you hike around cattle, it's good to know who manages the property so that you can let them know about bad behavior--human or bovine.
by Lisa
on January 13, 2017 at 11:14 AM
Very useful and interesting article Jeannette E. Warnert. I am impressed. good work..
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